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Kneeling Chairs for Your Office Can Really Help Relieve Back Pain


For those of us who spend long periods of time in the office, we know how critical it is to have a good chair. A bad chair is enough to keep you in bed for several days, which can really ruin a weekend. We all know it is wise to have a good chair, but even then, they can still be uncomfortable, especially if you have suffered a back injury in the past. I'm here to say that a chair that is better than good is out there on the market, and it offers way more than just a limit to your pain. I think that is something many people will get really excited about.


I bet you are already wondering about this miracle chair. I will admit that the title likely gave away the surprise, but I am talking about a kneeling chair. Kneeling chairs were created to help you maintain a good posture. Having good posture is so important for your back, but the fact is that many of us do not have it. When you are busy at work, and your mind is running at Olympic pace, it can be easy to slouch into bad posture. General guidelines state that you should keep you body at 90 degrees if not wider. Maybe you're smarter than me, but I never am conscious enough to do this on my own.


Kneeling chairs were invented using the ergonomic concept that if you have a strong back, you have a healthy back. Instead of just sitting on your rump, kneeling chairs lean you forward with your shins on a soft padded surface. This divides the weight distribution between your buttocks and your legs which helps you maintain optimal spinal alignment. The best office kneeling chair will also help you strengthen your lower back muscles, so you will actually be doing an easy workout while you sit in your office. Now isn't that pretty cool?


Unfortunately, many people have developed misconceptions about kneeling chairs. I will try to address some of those here. First of all, there are people who believe that they cannot use kneeling chairs because it will put too much pressure on their knees. As I have previously mentioned, the bottom pad is for your shins, not your knees, and the pad is very soft. As I mentioned earlier, the bottom pad is for your shins and not your knees. If you are sitting in a kneeling chair properly, there should not be any pressure on your knees.


Secondly, according to the kneeling office chair reviews, many people believe that kneeling chairs are more uncomfortable than other chairs. I'm just going to challenge you to try a kneeling chair, and I guarantee you will see that this belief is misguided. Finally, many people believe kneeling chairs are just too expensive, but the fact is that they are typically the same price of a high quality conventional chair.


I encourage you to just try on of these chairs. Search on the internet for these chairs, or run over to a local furniture store. You will see why I recommend them so strongly!

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